Wanted to try something a little new with respect to the juicing vessel - how about a really wide bowl, to get the color gradients to really pop prior to consumption. Checkout the vibrant colors and yes it tasted like a power packed flavor rainbow.
Whipped up a tasty combo of fruits and veggies. Once you get a handful of fruit and veggies that appear ripe to almost over-ripe, bust out that juicer and get to work. The strawberries were on their last day and it gave us an opportunity to use the stem pulling tool, i can't recommend it enough. This mix was a little heavy on the fruit, but a Vitamin C and flavor boost in the middle of a very soggy East Coast March, does a body good.
Wanted to try something a little new with respect to the juicing vessel - how about a really wide bowl, to get the color gradients to really pop prior to consumption. Checkout the vibrant colors and yes it tasted like a power packed flavor rainbow.
The pulp layering on the juicer top was too cool not to get a picture. Cucumber, Celery, Pear, Watermelon, Carrot, Apple, Mango, Blueberry - Yum!
1/2 bag Cranberries, 1/3 bunch kale, 3 apples, 8 carrots, 2 kiwi, 8 strawberry, 3 stalks celery, 4 tomato, squeeze of lemon.
Try this combo, you will like the taste complexity and the health buzz it generates. The cranberry tartness, celery saltiness, tomato acidity, and the sweet carrots/ fruits mix together delightfully. Kiwi has some surprising health benefits: Asthma, and DNA mutation coughing prevention. They possess a healthy amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Kiwi also have lots of fiber which helps to prevent colon cancer. ![]() This combo goes to show you that throwing in all the fruit & veggies from your fridge (in the right proportion) can turn out well. Celery, cucumber, carrot, green pepper, garden pepper, strawberry, orange, apple were all the produce we had. They pack a power disease fighting potion that help to keep your body running like a well oiled machine. Cucumber (4th most widely cultivated veggie in the world) is great for anti inflammatory purposes and Bell peppers are chock full of Vitamin A & C w/ a whopping 105% & 291% respectively per serving. ![]()
V8 juice is not bad - but I think that you will find this combo to taste better and deliver a very similar vitamin packed punch.
The tomato and apples are from the bruised fruit rack at the market - only a few minor blemishes. The strawberries give a wonderfully sweet aftertaste. Try to keep fruits to 20-30% of the content, too much higher and you may be on a fruit sugar buzz then crash. When juicing tomato, always go for the ripe to over-ripe ones, they are a bit sweeter. Wash the celery really well. Lots of critters and dirt like to loiter inside the stalks. I don’t juice the celery leaves, but I suppose you can if you wish. ![]() Bruised Fruit juicing bonanza The next time you visit your local grocery store, see if they have a discount produce area. This is a juicer's secret stash for inexpensive but sweet and ripe fruits and veggies. Often the fruit will be bulked packed and discounted heavily - it may be a little bruised or wrinkly but optimal for juicing. I use a zyliss soft skin peeler when contending with much of the bruised fruit. It aids greatly in the removal of the fruit's soft skin and simultaneously helps to remove most of the surface sprayed pesticides. The peeler has a serrated edge and really grips the skin nicely. The end of the peeler has a pre-sharpened stainless steel scoop that is great for removing apple stems and soft spots. (Stems can go in the juicer, but I would rather remove them prior to juicing to preserve the life of the unit.) For this particular juice, I was able to score 4 pears and 6 apples for around $2. The watermelon, lime and ginger hunk were left over in the fridge. When mixed together, you are left with a delightful refreshing combination. Watermelon is great for your complexion, pears are great for sore throats and a massive natural source of energy - the lime and ginger give you a little needed bite to liven up the mixture. You just discovered that you have two extra bags of cranberries in the fridge - why not make some of the healthiest tastiest juice around? Gather some seasonal apples (I chose 4 large USA sourced golden delicious). Wash everything well and then pat the apples dry with a towel - ensuring that you get all the wax and critters off the skin. Pick off the apple stems (i use pliers to save my fingers). To get the layering effect, juice the apples first - then the cranberries. Something tells me that you have never seen colors like these before in store bought mass produced juice...
Cranberries can offset a asthma attack, treat urinary tract infections and fight kidney stones, reduces bad cholesterol, prevents stomach & mouth ulcers, and protects your brain from neurological issues. They are vitamin C powerhouses and rich with tannins - a contributer to a healthy heart. Apples are no slouch at keeping the doctor away. The skin on golden delicious apples is particularly full of healthful goodies and not very bitter, so don't peel them. Golden's boost digestion, stave off cancer, are good for the lungs - and keeps your heart strong. ![]() 1/4 pineapple, 2 hearts celery, 1 apple, 1/2 bunch parsley, 1 red pepper, 1 bunch kale Kale juice is high in sulphur, chlorine, and iodine. These are great for cleansing the mucus membranes. Thus has been very effective to help the relief of ulcers and constipation. The pineapple and the apple make this combination palatable. ![]() 5 Clementine Oranges, a lemon, 1/2 bunch celery, 1 apple, 1/3 pineapple This is a combo that will smack you in the face because it tastes so good. Bet you can't just drink one glass. In addition to it's other properties, pineapple helps reduce swelling brought about by arthritis, gout, sore throat and acute sinusitis ![]() Celery is very high in magnesium & iron content, ideal food for your blood cells 2 apples, 1 bunch celery, 7 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1/4 lemon, sprig parsley, 1/8 head cauliflower The importance of selecting organic produce: Some items are more critical than others. My general rule is that if you are going to juice the skin, make sure it is organic. Doubly so if you are giving the juice to small children. Kids can not tolerate the same level of pesticides as adults without issues. If you are willing to take the time to peel, then it is not life or death that you stick with organic produce, especially citrus or other very thick skinned fruit/veggies. Regardless, take the time to wash everything well. All of the ingredients in this entry are organic, except for the parsley. ![]() A simple mix of 4 apples, 1/2 bunch of parsley, and 6 carrots. Parsley is an herb and very potent when mixed in juices. It is great for the blood vessels, kidney and bladder. When mixed with carrot - you have an incredible cocktail that can fight off many eye issues. I have the book by Dr. Walker, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices. It describes the health benefits of each fruit/vegetable in great detail, and recommends certain produce by ailment. See link to right --> |
Juicing Art
A photo and video blog of various fruit & veggie creations. We have been using the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer since 2008 to make our healthy juices. AuthorJack La Lanne Power Juicer addict residing in Lehigh Valley PA - there is no substitute for the intense rush of nutrients obtained from a glass of freshly made juice Archives
March 2017
Cooking with Anne Tree hugging Frugalitarian Cheese for Breakfast Little Pocket Guide Prius Lift Supports Urban Shelf Sprout Defender |